
Bearing gap is too large to consume too much high-pressure compressor lubricants
  Excessive consumption of compressor lubricants primarily to the following factors, including the bearing clearance is too large:
1. Grease too thin (oil temperature high grade non-compliant);
2. The lubricant oil pressure is too high;
3. The piston, cylinder gap is too large;
The cylinder out of round or wear too much;
5. cylinder channeling oil:
(1) piston ring is too abrasive to lose elasticity;
(2) Piston bite in the ring groove;
(3) Piston ring groove clearance is too large;
(4) installed the wrong piston rings.
6. crankshaft bearings or connecting rod bearing clearance is too large;
7. crankcase temperature is too high or poor ventilation;
8. lubrication splash lubrication method Dayou bar too long or crankcase oil level is too high.