
This term may be used for any mode of transport

(a) the factory delivery (EXW) this terminology in English as "EX Works (... Named place)", namely "ex works (...... named place)". It means that the seller bears on its site which workshops, factories, warehouses and other delivered ready goods to the buyer, but usually not responsible for loading the goods on the buyer for the vehicle or for customs clearance of the goods. The buyer from the seller where the total cost of the goods to the desired destination and risk.
(two) FCA (FCA) this terminology in English as "Free Carrier (... Named place)", namely "carrier (...... named place)". It means that the Seller shall be responsible for the transfer of goods, for the exit after the delivery to the buyer's designated location into the care of the designated carrier. According to business practices, when the seller is required and the carrier through collaboration contract, at the buyer's risk and cost, the seller can do the same. This term is used for any mode of transport.
(three) Fas (FAS) this terminology in English as "Free Alongside ship (... Named port of shipment)" or "Fas (...... named port of shipment)". It means that the seller at the named port of shipment on the barge dock or deliver goods to the side of the boat, from now on, the purchaser shall be liable for loss of or damage to the goods all the costs and risks, in addition to the buyer for export customs clearance. This term can be used for sea or inland waterway transport.
(four) delivered ex ship (FOB) this terminology in English as "Free on Boaro (... Named port of shipment)", namely "Delivered Ex Ship (...... named port of shipment)". It means that the seller at the named port of shipment the goods over the ship's rail after delivery, the goods over the ship's side the buyer shall bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods, and also requires the seller of goods for export clearance. This term can be used for sea or inland waterway transport.
(five) cost and freight (CFR or c&F) this terminology in English as "Cost and Freight (named port of shipment)", namely "cost and freight (...... named port of destination)". It means that the seller must pay the goods to the named port of destination and freight expenses required, but the goods to the ship deck, additional spending on goods risk, loss or damage and the accident occurred due to, in the goods pass the designated port side of the ship, you turn to Buyer by the seller. Other requirements the seller of goods for export clearance. This term can be used for sea or inland waterway transport.
(six) cost, insurance and freight (CIF) this terminology in English as "Cost, Insurance and Freight (... Named port of shipment)", namely "cost, insurance and freight (...... named port of destination)". In addition it means that the seller bears the same and "cost and freight" term obligations, the seller must handle the goods in transit shall be the buyer purchased the loss of or damage to the goods shipping insurance and pay the insurance premium. This term can be used for sea or inland waterway transport.
(seven) freight paid to (CPT) the term in English as "Carriage Paid to):tid to (... Named place of destination)", namely "carriage paid to (...... named place of destination)". This term means the seller of goods to the designated destination. Any additional expense for loss of or damage to the goods and the goods to the risk of an event occurring after the carrier generated, since the goods have been delivered to the custody of the time, transferred from the seller to the buyer. In addition, the seller must apply for clearance of export goods. The term applies to a variety of modes of transport, including multimodal transport.
(eight) carriage and insurance paid to (CIP) the term "Carriage and Insurance Paid English to (... Named place of destination)", namely "carriage and insurance paid to (...... named place of destination)". In addition it means that the seller bears the "carriage paid to (...... named place of destination)" terms the same obligations, the seller must handle the goods in transit by the buyer to bear the risk of loss of or damage to the goods shipping insurance and pay the insurance premium. This term is used for any mode of transport.
(nine) delivered at frontier (DAF) the term "Delivered at Frontier English (... Named place)", delivered at frontier (...... named place)". It means that the seller undertakes the following obligations, will prepare the goods to the designated location can be on the border, the goods for export clearance, delivery in adjacent to the national customs territory, the term is mainly applied to the railway or road transport of goods, can also be used for other modes of transport.
(ten) delivered ex ship (DES) the term "Delivered Ex Ship English (... Named port of destination)", namely "Delivered Ex Ship (...... named port of destination)". It means the Seller shall perform the following obligations, to prepare the goods at the port of destination of the boat deck is not for the import of the goods clearance cases, handed over to the buyer, the Seller shall bear the goods to the named port of destination includes all the costs and risks. This term can only be used for sea or inland waterway transport.
(eleven) DEQ (DEQ) the terms in English: "Delivered Ex Quay (Duty Paid) (... Named port of destination)", namely "Delivered Ex Quay (duty paid) (...... named port of destination)". This term means that the Seller shall perform the following obligations, goods to prepare, in the named port of destination port, import customs clearance, delivery to the buyer, and the Seller shall bear all costs and risks, including the customs, taxation and other delivery costs. The term applies to